

Boswijk, H. P., Laeven, R. J. A. and Vladimirov, E. (2024). Estimating Option Pricing Models Using a Characteristic Function-Based Linear State Space Representation, Journal of Econometrics, 244(1).

JoE / Working version / arXiv / Julia Code

Working papers

Jump Contagion among Stock Market Indices: Evidence from Option Markets.
(joint work with Peter Boswijk, Roger Laeven and Andrei Lalu)

Latest version / Supplementary Material / SSRN / GitHub

iCOS: Option-Implied COS Method.

Latest version / arXiv

Work in progress

Characteristic Function-Based Factor Modelling of Affine Jump Diffusions Using Options.
(joint work with Peter Boswijk, Roger Laeven and Niels Marijnen)

Autoencoder Option Pricing Models.
(joint work with Gustavo Freire)

Functional Estimation of Option Pricing Models.
(joint work with Yannick Dillschneider)

Pre-graduate publications

Mapping the stocks in MICEX: Who is central in the Moscow Stock Exchange? Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 28(4), 581-620, 2020 (joint work with Hakan Eratalay)

Systemic Risk of the Russian Economy, Finance and Business, 2017 (in Russian)